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发布日期:2013-05-30 阅读:




Consulate General of Norway in Shanghai

Dear Sir or Madam:

Herewith we confirm that Mr./Ms. 姓名(D.OB:--  Passport No.:护照号码 of our university intends to visit Norway and other Schengen States during Jul for 12 days in 2013. (第三批724出发需要改成From 24-Jul to 04-Aug in 2013

He/She was employed by our university in 被公司录用年份即可.

His/Her present position in the university is 职务.

His/Her monthly salary is about RMB月薪.

All the costs of this trip will be borne by himself/herself.

We guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws and rules abroad and after his/her trip in Europe, he/she will come back to China on schedule and resume his/her position in our university.

Yours Sincerely

Position: Director

Zhejiang Gongshang University

Address: No.18 Xuezheng Str. Xiasha University Town, Hangzhou, Zhejiang.




3 –JUN-2013

Consulate General of Norway in Shanghai                                                              

Dear Sir or Madam:

Herewith we confirm that Mr./Ms. 姓名(D.OB:出生年月  Passport No.:护照号码 of our company intends to visit Norway and other Schengen States during Jul for 12 days in 2013. (第三批724出发需要改成From 24-Jul to 04-Aug  in 2013

He/She was employed by our company in 被公司录用日期(年份即可).

His/Her present position in the company is 职务.

His/Her monthly salary is about RMB月薪.

All the costs of this trip will be borne by himself/herself.

We guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws and rules abroad and after his/her trip in Europe, he/she will come back to China on schedule and resume his/her position in our company.

Yours Sincerely,

Position: 负责人签字(注明负责人职务)、加盖公司章






上一条: 关于组织参加《女职工劳动保护特别规定》知识竞赛活动通知 2013-06-03
下一条: 欧洲签证所需表格材料 2013-05-30
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